日本語を読むための語彙データベース Ver. 1.1 New!

Vocabulary Database for Reading Japanese (VDRJ) Ver. 1.1


                                                                      松下達彦 Tatsuhiko Matsushita

最終更新日: 20111218Last updated: 18 Dec 2011


*TM語彙リスト”をお持ちの方へ: お手数ですが、語彙データベースの最新版に更新していただけましたら幸いです。データの修正,追加がたくさんあります。

If you have the TM Word List, please renew it with VDRJ as many corrections and additions are made.



Please download the database which meets with your needs.


1)  日本語を読むためのデータベース(研究用)

Vocabulary Database for Reading Japanese (for Research) Ver. 1.1


Ver. 1,0から、下位コーパスの頻度分布の歪度、尖度、下位コーパスごとの頻度順位とその平均などのデータを追加しました。そのほかにデータの修正はしていません。

Skewness, kurtosis of the sub-frequency distribution, sub-frequency rankings and its mean are added to Ver. 1.0, no other data correction is made.

異なり語数141950語を3種類のデータベースに分けて表示。(データベースファイルの拡張子は.xlsxです。Excel 2007以降で開いてください。


The database which contains 141,950 types is provided as three separate database files. The extension of the databases is .xlsx.

Please open the files by Excel 2007 or a later version. The converter may be necessary with an older version.


  「日本語を読むための語彙データベース(研究用)」Ver 1.1 141950語)約82MB  は三つのデータベースからできています。

  VDRJ is made up of three databases: Top 60894, Assumed Known Words and Narrowly Ranging Words.


以下から一つずつダウンロードしてください。 Please download the databases one by one from links below.

重要度順語彙データベース (Top 60894) 重要度順位 00001-60894 (42MB)  VDRJ (Top60894) (42MB)

想定既知語彙データベース フィラー、記号その他、固有名詞 (16MB)  VDRJ (Assumed Known Words: Proper Nouns, Fillers, Signs etc.) (16MB)

使用範囲狭小語彙データベース (24MB) VDRJ (Narrowly Ranging Words) (24MB)


統計数値など(Statistics etc.

日本語教育学会2010年春季大会予稿集発表原稿 =”TM語彙リスト”(データベースの前身)の簡単な紹介です。


2)    日本語を読むためのデータベース(教師用) (14MB)

Vocabulary Database for Reading Japanese (for Teachers) Ver. 1.0


The database is the simplified version of VDRJ for Research (Top60894). It would be enough for general educational purposes.

It contains the top 60894 words.





初級用の Basic 2500 もあります(簡単な英語の説明つき)。

The databases below are simplified versions of VDRJ with easier explanation.

These are more simplified versions than the database for teachers;

however, the words are ordered not only for reading but also for daily life use. It contains approx. 20,000 words.

There are three types of databases: For General Learners, For International Students, and Basic 2500.

The first two includes explanations in simple Japanese. 

Basic 2500, the database for beginners, has a simple English explanation.


3)    日本語を勉強する人のための語彙データベース(一般用)

The Vocabulary Database for Learners of Japanese Ver. 1.0 (for General Learners)

4)    日本語を勉強する人のための語彙データベース(留学生用)

The Vocabulary Database for Learners of Japanese Ver. 1.0 (for International Students)

5)    日本語を勉強する人のための語彙データベース: Basic 2500

The Vocabulary Database for Learners of Japanese: Basic 2500, Ver. 1.0



Features of VDRJ





The newest word frequency list made from the book corpus (approx. 28 million tokens) and internet forum corpus (5 million tokens).

  --There have been some lists made from magazine or newspaper corpora but no list from a large book corpus.

  --The list made from book corpora is better than the lists made from magazine or newspaper corpora in terms of the generality of the word-origin distribution and the stability of the word.

  --The short coming from the book corpus is compensated by the internet forum vocabulary.



Dispersion is calculated from the sub frequencies in 10 sub corpora.

Words are ranked by the usage coefficient which is the product of frequency and dispersion.

  --By taking the dispersion into account, unevenly distributed words are excluded from the high frequency band.



  --Reordering words by applying different weighing to sub frequencies,

the new vocabulary ranking indices for general learners and international students are developed.

Adding word ranking for written Japanese together, three types of ranking are possible.


  --Domain-specific words in the four science domains can be extracted

as the indices and levels for the domain-specificity of academic texts are added to the database.


--Possible literary words are extracted.


「松下言語学習ラボ」 へ

松下達彦「語彙学習・語彙教育のページ」 日本語学術共通語彙リスト Japanese Academic Word List (JAWL)) へ


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